Friday, September 9, 2011


Well, by now everyone should have received their invitations.... consider yourself invited!

These last two weeks have been a pill.... not only is my co-worker still on vacation (she had a month off and won't be back until Monday), but my boss is at a trade show, so I am pretty much holding down the fort here in the office.... which makes for some insanely busy days (yesterday I was here for 11 hours and could have easily done another hour in order to get things caught up). Add to that the fact that Richard and I have been passing the flu back and forth to one another these last two weeks hasn't helped. Neither of us feels great.... and just when we think we are starting to feel better, it whaps us upside the head yet again. Its enough that I've put a stop to kissing for a few days.... long enough I hope that we can shake this off. I am tired of being dizzy, having chills and cold sweats and severe cramping! It certainly doesn't get me into a "lets get stuff ready for the move and for the wedding" mood.....

Speaking of move.... I need to call my Relief Society President this evening and see if I can arrange for the Elders Quorum to show up next Saturday and move the lions share of my stuff over to the apartment. I need to get it over and done with so its one less thing to have to worry about.

I am taking next Friday off of work so Richard and I can go get our marriage license, and then I will be spending the rest of the day making sure all my stuff is ready for the move. It drives me nuts when I've helped people move and they still haven't even finished packing.... and I hate the idea of doing it to someone else. I would rather have everything in a pile, ready to be walked out to the truck, than to still be tossing stuff into boxes when the help arrives.

Tomorrow I am heading out to Cynthia's to nail down cake recipes and what is going where.... and then I need to spend the rest of the weekend getting the wedding favors done. I haven't found the box with all the tulle and stuff from Y&Ls wedding, but I will give it one more look around tonight, and then will just suck it up and go to the store for tulle and ribbon if needs be.

Still haven't done the bouquet..... but I have the idea finally in place for the table centerpieces and will be working on that through the week....

There are never enough hours in the day....

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